Big Brother Naija All Stars first Diary session


 Big Brother Naija fans know that the diary room is where the housemates bare it all (or almost all). So, diary sessions are some of the most interesting aspects of the show.

The Big Brother Naija All Stars housemates had their first diary session today, and it was fun-packed as expected.

What did Biggie ask the housemates and how did they answer? Read on!

Open nomination discussions on the Big Brother Naija All Stars season

Big Brother: Nominations are discussed openly in this season. What do you think about it? And are you going to form an alliance?


People are going to be political, diplomatic, and sneaky. There will be issues in deciding whether to nominate the strong or weak ones. People will form alliances. It is going to open up a lot.


I feel like it’s going to give the show a different light. It’ll make the spirit of competition very high. Yes, I’ll form an alliance because I want to stay long. But I want to know who to trust before forming an alliance.

Angel: I feel that you know why you did that. It’ll bring more tension. Yes, I’ll form an alliance. Right now, I’m not playing for the money. I’m going to focus on surviving each week till around week seven. Then I’ll fight for the money.


Pepper Dem housemates are at an advantage because there are five of them. People are forming cliques. I’m cool with everyone, but you can’t trust anyone because everyone is a snake. They can nominate you and come out and eat Indomie with you.


Honestly, I thought I was going to like it, but I feel like it makes the game more difficult. I’m going to be more careful in my nomination going forward.


My only alliance is with money ooooo. Yes, I’ll form alliances with my Pepper Dem season housemates. We are 5. I feel it’s my strongest alliance because I feel like I can trust them.  Then I’m close to Neo’s clique. The open nomination will cause more drama. Maybe somebody will run mad in the show.


That’s a very interesting part about the season I do like. I will not engage in any form of conspiracy with other housemates because it might just backfire. I want to keep my cards close to my chest. I will want to nominate whoever I want to instead of letting a group decide for me.


Honestly, I’m a friendly loner. I have never been the type that embraces cliques. I don’t like it one bit. It gave me anxiety. Yesterday, my stomach entered somewhere I didn’t know.

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The Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate you were surprised to see

Big Brother: Which housemate surprised you the most?


Previous winners. I just feel like since they won their season, and this is a season of second chances, winners shouldn’t be here.


Venita. I didn’t think that two blood relatives could be on the show together at the same time.


I don’t think I was surprised by anyone. Maybe just Princess, as I didn’t know much about her. I didn’t watch their season.


Seyi. He’s a great guy. He’s got these very big and cute eyes. I was also surprised to see Pere. I like him. He’s a good person. I think he’s misunderstood. Also, Venita. She’s an independent, hard-working woman.


In a good way, I was surprised to see Kiddwaya and Neo because they were in my season. On the other way, I was surprised to see Princess and Doyin, as I was meeting them for the first time. But they’re cool.


A couple of housemates shocked me. Especially Venita, She’s in my season, we are very close, and I see her often. But she didn’t tell me she was coming.

I was also surprised to see Soma. I know he didn’t stay long during his time.

The most shocking was Seyi. I haven’t seen him for like 7 years. I’m pretty excited about that. I was shocked to see Cee-C also since she’s like a superstar I watch on TV.


I will say, Alex. I haven’t had any interaction with Alex. I felt good seeing her.  I was just excited to see her. 


I will say WhiteMoney. I always see him in his Maybach at Lekki. I was also surprised to see Mercy. I haven’t been able to connect with her. Seyi, for some reason, I don’t know. Then Soma. He’s like my little brother. He left quite early his first time in the show.

Who did you nominate, and Why did you nominate them

Big Brother: Who did you nominate and why?


Venita – I feel that Neo and Venita might form an alliance. Both can penetrate each other’s season to grow their support. I feel that one of them should go.


WhiteMoney. It’s because he’s the most recent winner. I don’t have a more concrete reason.


Seyi. For no particular reason. I wanted to nominate  

Princess, but I don’t like nominating women. That’s not my vibe. I feel like women bring traction and get more backlash, so they are more deserving to win each season of the show I’ve watched. So, I like giving fellow women a fair chance b not nominating them.


Ilebaye, She’s not doing much. She’s a low-hanging fruit that I need to pluck out. I  feel she’s weak, so she has to go. I have to eliminate the weak and then later face the strong housemates.


Venita, but I wish I never nominated her because she’s not who I thought she was. Moving forward, I’m just gonna go with my mind, not based on alliance. I would have nominated Ilebaye because she’s not close to me. But because she’s in the group I formed an alliance with, I had to choose another person.


Soma. We are not connected as much. It’s good to stay true to the people you formed alliances with. I don’t want to nominate who we didn’t agree to nominate in my group.


Princess. I don’t have any connections with her, and she’s always by herself.


Doyin. Because she came to me and said, they called my name in her group. But she’ll not nominate me if I promise not to nominate her. But I saw that as she ratting her group out. I can’t trust someone who’ll do that if I were in the group. So, I decided to nominate her.

Who do you think is going home

Big Brother: Who do you think is going home on Sunday and Why?




From a logical point of view, I might say Princess because she was in the show 5 years ago, which is a long time ago. Plus, she didn’t spend much time in the house, and she’s been away from the entertainment circle. So, I think people will not remember her much, unlike other housemates who were on the show recently and have been visible in the entertainment circle.


I actually don’t know. This is a unique season where people can have the same fan base. I can’t say who’s going home.


Based on my experience, I think you’re messing with us. Nobody is going home.


Big Brother, should I be diplomatic? I feel that nobody is going home on Sunday.


The chances are high that anybody can go home. I even feel it could be me. But to go home, I’ll choose either Ilebaye or Pere.


I don’t even know. I don’t even know who’s up. I don’t know who’s gonna go home.


It better not be me ooo. It cannot be me. I borrowed money to buy hair, and you want me to stay just one week. 

I really don’t know who’s going home. But it must not be me. If you call my name on Sunday as who is going home, you’ll need 25 ninjas to carry me out. In fact, I’ll be the first Big Brother housemate to refuse to leave the house after eviction. I don’t want to go anywhere, and I don’t want anyone to go.

However, if I must choose, I will say Ilebaye or Doyin.


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